“You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” - Ansel Adams
Our original home: The Ginger Bread Cottage. We opened at this location, on Woodlawn Drive, in October of 1987.
The original sign for the Cottage, hand painted by our owner and co-founder, Pat Brown. She would be much too modest to tell you that herself, but we won’t hesitate to tell you.
This was our logo for our downtown location. We moved to 416 Main Street in 1992. This location was the former home of Belk-Leggett before they moved to the Danville Mall. This logo was drawn by the talented Danny Vaden.
Before 1799 Memorial Drive became our current home, it was home to the much loved restaurant: King of the Sea (we’re told they played host to many football banquets for Tunstall High School.)
Barry and Pat Brown shake hands with D.C. Hastings, Former President of First National Bank, known as Virginia Bank and Trust at the time this picture was taken. They were celebrating the opening of their new location, 1799 Memorial Drive. They’ve called this address home since 1997.